How Are Future Medical Expenses Determined in Car Accident Claims?

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Picture of Nathan Whittenburg

Nathan Whittenburg

Owner & Attorney - Atlanta Personal Injury Law Firm

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Future Medical Care: An Essential Part of Personal Injury Claims

On this page, we’ll discuss how future medical expenses are determined in car accident claims, the process by which personal injury lawyers estimate and calculate future medical costs, the importance of advocating for future medical treatment in a personal injury claim, and much more.

An Experienced Lawyer Can Help Advocate for Future Medical Expenses

In the aftermath of a car accident, victims often face a complex web of medical treatments and ongoing care.

While immediate medical costs are easier to quantify, estimating future medical expenses presents a significant challenge.

Future expenses are critical as they can profoundly impact a victim’s financial stability and quality of life.ย 

How Are Future Medical Expenses Determined in Car Accident Claims; future medical expenses; future medical expenses in a car accident claim; car accident claim; car accident lawyer; car accident medical expenses;

A personal injury lawyer is crucial in ensuring that these future costs are accurately determined and adequately covered.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, we can help.

At the Atlanta Personal Injury Law Firm, we specialize in navigating the intricacies of car accident claims to secure comprehensive compensation for our clients.

We understand the importance of accurately projecting long-term medical needs and advocating for settlements that fully encompass these future expenses.

Various factors influence future medical expenses in car accident claims and an experienced personal injury lawyer can help accurately determine and advocate for these costs.

Contact us today for a free case review

Table of Contents

What Are Future Medical Expenses?

A 2019 Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings article defines future medical expenses as “reasonable and necessary health care expenses required for the treatment of injuries sustained as a result of the negligent care at issue.”

Simply put, future medical expenses refer to the costs for medical care that a victim is likely to incur after the settlement of their claim or the resolution of their lawsuit.

These expenses are pivotal in personal injury cases as they cover ongoing and long-term treatments required due to the injuries sustained in the accident.

Examples of future medical expenses include:

  • Ongoing treatments
  • Rehabilitation treatments
  • Future surgical procedures
  • Long-term medication needs
  • Any other long-term medical care

Ongoing Treatments

Some injuries may require continuous medical attention, such as spinal cord damage or traumatic brain injuries.

The extent of these injuries can lead to permanent disabilities and require long-term treatments, rehabilitation, or specialized care.

All these costs fall under ongoing treatments, which can last for weeks, months, or even years and significantly add up in cost.

Rehabilitation Programs

After being discharged from the hospital, many victims may require rehabilitation programs to regain physical abilities or cope with permanent disabilities.

These programs can include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, or vocational rehabilitation.

The duration and frequency of these treatments must be considered when determining future medical expenses.

Future Surgical Procedures

Some injuries necessitate surgical interventions long after the initial accident, depending on the severity of the injury and its long-term effects.

Doctors may need to perform corrective or reconstructive surgeries years after the accident, such as fractures that require metal plates or pins or spinal injuries that involve ongoing procedures.

These surgeries can be costly and should be accounted for when determining future medical expenses.

Long-Term Medication Needs

Injuries sustained in a car accident may require long-term medication, such as pain management drugs or medications to treat chronic conditions.

These costs can add up significantly and should be accounted for when calculating future medical expenses.

The potential side effects of these medications may require additional treatments or therapies, which should also be considered.

Any Other Long-Term Medical Care

There may be other ongoing or long-term medical care that an injured person requires due to their injuries.

Other long-term medical care can include:

  • Specialized Treatments or Therapies: In some cases, a doctor may endorse specialized treatments or therapies not covered by regular medical insurance. These can include chiropractic care, acupuncture, or alternative medicine.
  • Home Care Services: Victims with severe injuries may require in-home care services, such as nursing care or assistance with daily tasks.
  • Assistive Devices: Injuries that result in permanent disabilities may require assistive devices such as wheelchairs, prosthetics, or medical equipment.
  • Home Modifications: Permanent disabilities may also require modifications to a victim’s home, such as wheelchair ramps or bathroom handrails.
  • Transportation Expenses: Victims may require transportation to and from medical appointments, which can add up in cost over time.

All of these costs should be considered when determining future medical expenses.

Estimating these expenses accurately can be challenging.

The Process of Estimating and Calculating Future Medical Costs

Accurately estimating future medical expenses involves a thorough and detailed assessment of the victim’s current and anticipated medical condition.

This process is supported by robust medical evidence and expert help.

Medical Evidence

A crucial aspect of determining future medical expenses is medical evidence.

This evidence often includes:

  • Medical Records: Comprehensive documentation of the victim’s injuries, treatments received, and prognosis is essential. Medical records, such as doctor’s reports, test results, and diagnostic imaging, provide a clear picture of the victim’s current condition. This evidence can provide valuable insights into the severity of the injury and its potential long-term effects.
  • Expert Testimony: Physicians and medical experts can provide valuable insights into the victim’s condition and future medical needs. Their testimony is critical in accurately estimating future medical expenses, as they can provide expert opinions on the necessary treatments and associated costs.

Collaborative Efforts From Experts

To provide an accurate estimation of future medical expenses, it’s crucial to have collaboration between various experts.

Collaborative efforts can include:

  • Physicians and Specialists: These medical professionals evaluate the injuries and potential long-term implications critically.
    • They can also provide opinions on the type and frequency of necessary treatments.
  • Healthcare Planners: They outline the anticipated future treatments and care required. Their input is valuable in determining the overall cost of future medical expenses.
  • Life Care Planners: These professionals assess the victim’s current and future needs, including any potential ongoing treatments, rehabilitation programs, or long-term care.
    • They also consider non-medical factors such as education, job training, and home modifications to estimate future medical expenses accurately.

Personal injury lawyers work closely with these medical professionals to develop a detailed and accurate estimate of future medical costs.

This collaboration ensures that every potential expense is considered and included in the claim.

Advocating for Future Medical Treatment in Personal Injury Claims

Securing adequate coverage for future medical expenses is vital for a victim’s financial stability and overall well-being.

Underestimating these costs can lead to significant economic hardship and a diminished quality of life, which is why personal injury lawyers firmly advocate to ensure these expenses are fully covered.

Ensuring comprehensive coverage for future medical treatment involves:

  • Avoiding Financial Hardship: Victims may struggle to afford necessary treatments and care without adequate compensation.
    • Lacking proper care can lead to long-term consequences and significantly impact the victim’s quality of life.
    • If future medical expenses are not accurately estimated and included in the claim, victims may be left to bear the financial burden and suffer the consequences.
  • Maintaining Quality of Life: Proper medical care is crucial for the victim’s recovery and long-term well-being.
    • Comprehensive coverage for future medical expenses ensures that the victim has access to necessary treatments and therapies, improving their quality of life.
    • This support is essential in helping them cope with the physical, emotional, and financial toll of their injuries.

Challenges in Calculating Future Medical Expenses

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 1,797 traffic fatalities in Georgia in 2022.

Fulton and Dekalb counties โ€” where Atlanta is located โ€” accounted for the top two highest numbers of traffic fatalities in the state, with nine and seven deaths, respectively.

This high number of accidents in Georgia highlights the crucial need to estimate future medical expenses accurately.

Each car accident or personal injury case is unique, necessitating a tailored approach to estimate future medical expenses.

Several challenges that can arise in determining personal injury damages include:

  • Individualized Assessment: Accurately estimating future medical expenses requires an individualized assessment of each victim’s unique circumstances, such as age, pre-existing conditions, and the severity of the injury.
    • A one-size-fits-all approach is not suitable for calculating these expenses. Instead, a personalized evaluation is essential.
  • Unforeseen Complications: In some cases, unforeseen complications may arise, leading to additional medical expenses.
    • These include infections or other health conditions that develop as a result of the injury or treatment.
    • Such complications can be challenging to anticipate and may significantly impact the overall cost of future medical treatments.
  • Inflation and Rising Healthcare Costs: Healthcare costs continue to rise, making it challenging to predict the future costs of treatments and care correctly.
    • Inflation and rising healthcare costs can significantly affect the accuracy of estimating future medical expenses.

Types of Evidence Required To Substantiate Claims

To establish a strong case for future medical expenses, victims and their personal injury lawyers must provide substantial evidence.

Some of the most critical types of evidence may include:

  • Detailed Medical Records: These provide a foundation for understanding the victim’s current condition and future needs.
    • They should include information on the type and severity of injuries, treatment plans, and potential future treatments.
  • Expert Analysis: Medical professionals offer projections about the victim’s long-term medical needs.
    • Their expert opinions are necessary for accurately estimating future medical expenses. Other types of experts, such as vocational rehabilitation specialists or economists, may provide insight into non-medical-related expenses.
  • Life Care Planning Assessments: These assessments provide an in-depth analysis of the victim’s current and future needs, including any potential treatments, therapies, or care required.
    • They may also consider non-medical factors such as education and job training to determine the overall cost of future medical expenses.

Strategies for Advocating for Comprehensive Damages

Personal injury lawyers use various strategies to ensure that all future medical expenses are considered and adequately compensated.

Strategies include:

  • Negotiating With Insurance Companies: Lawyers aggressively handle negotiations with insurance companies to secure settlements that reflect the true extent of the victim’s future medical needs.
  • Presenting Detailed Evidence in Court: In cases where a settlement is unattainable, lawyers may present compelling evidence in court to establish fault and support the claim for future medical expenses.
  • Collaborating With Medical Experts: Personal injury lawyers know the importance of in-depth medical bills in car accident claims.
    • Lawyers often work closely with medical professionals to gather evidence and develop a comprehensive view of the victim’s future medical needs.

A thorough and proactive approach is essential in legal representation to ensure that victims receive the compensation they deserve.

This approach involves meticulous preparation, detailed evidence gathering, and strategic negotiation or litigation.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Accurately determining future medical expenses in car accident claims is a complex but crucial task.

Engaging a skilled car accident lawyer specializing in personal injury claims is essential to navigate this intricate process.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident in Georgia, Atlanta Personal Injury Law Firm can help.

Our experienced car accident attorney, Nathan Whittenburg, is dedicated to ensuring that victims receive a settlement that comprehensively covers all anticipated future medical expenses.

We provide personalized advice and effective representation to help you secure the compensation you deserve.

Contact us today for a free case review, and let us help you on your road to recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How are Future Medical Treatment Costs Estimated?

    When estimating future medical expenses in a car accident claim, personal injury lawyers consider the severity and type of injuries suffered by the victim.

    They evaluate the likely duration and extent of future medical treatment, such as surgeries, physical therapy, and long-term care needs.

    Lawyers also consult with medical experts to account for the cost of ongoing care, taking into consideration inflation and changes in medical care costs over time.

  • How do personal injury lawyers calculate future medical costs?

    Personal injury lawyers calculate future medical costs by reviewing the injured person’s medical records and consulting with doctors and other medical experts.

    These experts provide detailed assessments of the required future medical care, including physical therapy and potential surgeries.

    Lawyers also use economic experts to project the total cost over the victim’s lifetime, ensuring that all future medical expenses are accounted for in the personal injury claim.

  • Why is it important to include future medical expenses in a personal injury claim?

    Including future medical expenses in a personal injury claim is crucial because it ensures that the injured person is fully compensated for all costs they will incur as a result of the accident.

    Future medical care can be a significant financial burden, affecting the victim’s long-term financial stability and quality of life.

    By accounting for these future costs, an experienced personal injury lawyer can help secure a fair settlement or award that covers both current and anticipated medical bills.

  • What role do medical experts play in determining future medical expenses?

    Medical experts play a vital role in determining future medical expenses by providing detailed evaluations of the victim’s injuries and the necessary future medical care.

    Their assessments help establish the likely extent and duration of treatment, which is critical for accurately estimating future medical costs.

    These expert opinions are essential for personal injury cases, as they provide the evidence needed to justify the projected expenses in negotiations or court proceedings.

  • How can a lawyer help advocate for future medical expenses in a car accident claim?

    A personal injury lawyer can help advocate for future medical expenses by gathering comprehensive medical evidence and expert testimonies to support the claim.

    They negotiate with the insurance company on behalf of the injured person to ensure that future medical costs are included in the settlement.

    By thoroughly documenting the need for future care and the associated expenses, lawyers aim to secure an award that adequately covers the victim’s long-term medical needs and financial recovery.

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Atlanta Personal Injury Law Firm specializes in personal injury cases across Georgia, including motor vehicle accidents, premises liability, catastrophic injuries, and wrongful death claims. Our experienced Georgia injury attorney works on a contingency fee basis, ensuring you only pay legal fees once we secure your settlement or verdict.

Contact our experienced legal team by phone or visit our website for a instant case evaluation. Trust Atlanta Personal Injury Law Firm for dedicated legal representation in Georgia.

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